One Family, Six Destinations:   globalYOUNITY - Your Path to FREEDOM. The FREEDOM to live my authentic self.


    What is globalYOUNITY?

globalYOUNITY is a transformative project that aims to revolutionize the way we live, learn, and earn. It is built upon the ME - WE - UNITY concept, fostering personal growth, deep connections, and collaboration within an empowering community.


   What are the main focus areas of globalYOUNITY?

globalYOUNITY focuses on key areas such as education, wellbeing, co-working, co-living, and exploring and reconnecting with nature. These areas are designed to promote holistic development, sustainability, and a sense of unity among its members.

   How does globalYOUNITY promote sustainability?

globalYOUNITY is committed to sustainability in various aspects. It generates its own energy, harvests water, and utilizes on-site building materials. It also promotes organic farming, biodiversity, and responsible environmental practices.

   How can I get involved with globalYOUNITY?

There are several ways to get involved with globalYOUNITY. You can become a member of the community, participate in educational programs, contribute your skills and expertise, or support the project through donations or partnerships.

   What are the benefits of being part of globalYOUNITY?

Being part of globalYOUNITY offers numerous benefits. You gain access to a supportive network of like-minded individuals, opportunities for personal and professional growth, and the chance to make a positive impact on society and the environment.

   Can I visit globalYOUNITY and experience it firsthand?

Yes, globalYOUNITY welcomes visitors who want to experience its unique environment and initiatives. We'll open our first globalYOUNITY Hub in summer 2024. There will be opportunities for tours, workshops, and events that allow you to engage with the community and learn more about its vision and activities.


   How can I support globalYOUNITY financially?

You can support globalYOUNITY financially through donations, sponsorships, or partnerships. Your contributions will help further the project's mission and enable the implementation of sustainable and community-driven initiatives.

   Are there opportunities for collaboration and networking?

Absolutely! globalYOUNITY provides ample opportunities for collaboration, networking, and knowledge sharing. As a member of the community, you can connect with experts, innovators, and passionate individuals from various fields who share a common goal of creating a better future.

   How does globalYOUNITY ensure inclusivity and diversity?

globalYOUNITY values inclusivity and diversity, creating an environment where people from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives come together. It promotes social inclusion, equal opportunities, and the celebration of unique identities and contributions.


   What sets globalYOUNITY apart from other projects or communities?

globalYOUNITY stands out for its holistic approach, focus on sustainability, and emphasis on personal growth and community building. It combines innovative ideas, transformative initiatives, and a supportive network to create a unique and empowering experience for its members.