One Family, Six Destinations:   globalYOUNITY - Your Path to FREEDOM. The FREEDOM to live my authentic self.


Our motivation for change are the driving force behind our project. globalYOUNITY is inspired by the vision of Sandra P. Rautenberg, the founder, who emphasized the evolution of consciousness and the unity of humanity. The main values of globalYOUNITY can be summarized as follows:

1. Education as a Movement: Our educational system cultivates GLOBAL CHANGEMAKERS, empowering individu-
als to share their unique inspirations and talents. Guided by professional mentors, students passionately explore
new technologies, personal health, finance, and other essential real-world skills. globalYOUNITY emphasizes ho-
listic and integral education. It seeks to provide a learning environment that nurtures the physical, emotional,
intellectual, and spiritual aspects of individuals. globalYOUNITY’s educational approach focuses on experiential
learning, self-discovery, and the development of well-rounded individuals who can thrive in society.

2. Sustainability: globalYOUNITY places a strong emphasis on ecological sustainability and responsible living. The city
aims to develop innovative and sustainable practices in various areas, including generating our own renewable
energy, organic farming, waste management, sustainable architecture and utilizing on-site building materials.
Our city is a model of self-sufficiency and environmental stewardship. It seeks to create a harmonious relation-
ship between humans and nature, promoting a balanced and sustainable lifestyle.

3. Flexibility: Embrace flexibility with adaptable school and working hours, vacation arrangements, and diverse
architectural typologies. We value individual needs and empower everyone to find their ideal balance.

4. Immigration & Diversity: Promoting biodiversity, social inclusion, and a high quality of life, we create resilient,
greener, and more livable spaces for all beings and ages. Our project celebrates diversity and enriches the lives
of individuals from various backgrounds. globalYOUNITY celebrates and values cultural diversity. People from
all over the world contribute their unique cultural heritage, traditions, and skills to create a vibrant and multicul-
tural community. globalYOUNITY encourages cultural exchange, dialogue, and mutual understanding, fostering a rich
tapestry of traditions and ideas.

5. Living Healthy: Our spaces cater to different moods, nurturing relaxation, exploration, and creativity. We pri-
oritize the holistic well-being of individuals, fostering physical, intellectual, social, spiritual, and emotional health.

6. Human Unity: globalYOUNITY aims to transcend divisions based on nationality, religion, and race, fostering a
profound sense of unity among all human beings. It strives to create an environment where people from diverse
backgrounds can come together, collaborate, and live as a global community. As a global community, we collab-
orate, coexist, and thrive together.

7. Spiritual Growth: globalYOUNITY cherishes spiritual growth and self-discovery as essential elements of personal
development. globalYOUNITY believes in the possibility of a higher consciousness manifesting in individuals and
society, that is why we embrace diverse spiritual paths, encouraging individuals to explore their inner selves and
and work towards personal and collective evolution.

8. Service and Collaboration: globalYOUNITY encourages individuals to engage in meaningful work and service for
the collective well-being. Collaboration and cooperation are key values, with residents and volunteers working
together towards common goals. globalYOUNITY serves as a platform for social and sustainable initiatives, pro-
moting positive change both within and outside its boundaries.

These values guide the residents of globalYOUNITY in their daily lives and shape the development and activities of the
community. However, it’s important to note that globalYOUNITY is a diverse and evolving community, and individuals
may have their own interpretations and expressions of these values.

Join us on this empowering journey at globalYOUNITY, where we revolutionize the way we live, learn, and create a conscious and harmonious future.

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The value of sustainability in globalYOUNITY encompasses a comprehensive approach towards environmental conservation, resource management, and responsible living. globalYOUNITY recognizes the interconnectedness of humans and nature and strives to create a harmonious relationship between the two. Here are some key aspects of
sustainability in globalYOUNITY.

1. Ecological Balance: globalYOUNITY aims to maintain and restore ecological balance by adopting practices that
minimize harm to the environment. The township promotes the use of renewable energy sources such as solar
and wind power, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. It encourages the conservation of water, sustainable waste man-
agement, and the protection of biodiversity through organic farming practices and the preservation of natural

2. Sustainable Architecture: globalYOUNITY promotes sustainable architecture that harmonizes with the environ-
ment. Buildings in globalYOUNITY are designed to be energy-efficient, using natural ventilation, passive cooling
techniques, and sustainable materials. Traditional building techniques and innovative designs are employed to
minimize the ecological footprint and integrate structures seamlessly into the natural surroundings.

3. Organic Farming and Permaculture: globalYOUNITY places great importance on organic farming and per-
maculture principles. The township practices sustainable agriculture techniques that avoid the use of chemical
fertilizers and pesticides, focusing on soil health and biodiversity. Permaculture principles guide the design of ag-
ricultural systems, emphasizing the efficient use of resources, recycling, and creating self-sustaining ecosystems.

4. Waste Management: globalYOUNITY emphasizes waste reduction, recycling, and composting. Efforts are made
to minimize waste generation, and materials such as paper, plastic, glass, and metal are recycled. Composting is
encouraged to convert organic waste into nutrient-rich compost, which is then used in organic farming prac-

5. Environmental Education and Awareness: globalYOUNITY places a strong emphasis on environmental educa-
tion and raising awareness about sustainable practices. Various workshops, seminars, and educational programs
are conducted to promote ecological literacy among residents and visitors. globalYOUNITY serves as a living
example and experimental ground for sustainable living, inspiring others to adopt similar practices.

6. Research and Innovation: globalYOUNITY encourages research and innovation in sustainable technologies and
practices. It serves as a platform for experimentation and the development of sustainable solutions. Residents and
researchers collaborate to explore alternative energy sources, sustainable building materials, waste management
techniques, and other innovative approaches to sustainability.

The commitment to sustainability in globalYOUNITY extends beyond individual practices and permeates the overall planning and development of the township.